46. The Coach; the guide, the mentor, the road mapper, whatever you want to call it..

Season #1

In today’s podcast, Danita shares how catching a wave and her decision to seek a Surfing Coach to take her surfing to the next level of expertise and connection allowed her greater knowledge and ability. 

Danita dives into her surfing experiences to help you understand how a Coach can change your life and your relationships.

Feelings are much like waves, you can’t stop them from coming but you can choose which ones to surf.

Danita is passionate about helping people heal from from the inside by supporting and increasing their inner well being and self awareness... by first and foremost learning how to trust themselves.


Listen to The Other Side to……  move through the fear of pain, rage, grief, sadness, anger, & terror - to uncover and embrace the dark so we can walk in the light.

Ready to dive deeper, to work with Danita, send her a message, she'd love to hear from you!

You can subscribe to the Gypsy Hart You Tube Channel for emotional release meditations related to relationship/connection/personal development (emdr somatic based therapeutic meditations)

For more on these topics, check out the articles/ personal blog here:  The Other Side Blog with Gypsy Hart

For clips and more on Gypsy Hart, you can follow @gypsy_hart