Danita Harty slowly danced Gypsy Hart to reality after her journey back to life from her own rock bottom: re-igniting an already lifelong exploration of living her joy. Danita is a guide, writer, creator, and speaker.
As a bridge between psychology, spirituality, and nature, Danita explores what living in a higher vibrancy means, mapping subconscious connection between beliefs, core injuries, the hidden parts of the self, intuition, natural cycles of life, and the body’s somatic response through story telling and 'coffee talks' on her podcast "The Other Side with Gypsy Hart".

Danita’s purpose?
"Empowerment through disempowerment."
Exploring how to unlock courage through awareness; disentangling patterns and conquering the fear of meeting your inner self to live a more joy filled life.  
"Empowerment begins when we fearlessly embrace the journey within." 






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Meet Danita, a woman with a beaming wide smile, on her own transformative journey, diving deep into who she is to inspire others to "get to know themselves at such an intimate level, they are smacked in the soul with the pain of their experiences and embraced with the promising potential of joy in their future".
At the heart of Danita's mission is the commitment to unravel the mysteries of living with less scowling and more howling (in laughter!). Her purpose is rooted in inspiring others to admit the deepest darkest parts of themselves because joy is on the other side. 
With a former Doctoral candidacy in relationship identity and a master of arts degree in counseling psychology as well as trained in transpersonal work, inner-child work, and various healing modalities, like EMDR, Brainspotting, Somatic Experiencing, Yoga Therapy (and more!) she honors the power of feeling and connection in the self-awareness process. 
Based between Canada, Costa Rica, and a life on the road, founded Gypsy Hart to bring the small bit of awareness of how the day to day are so greatly influenced by our experiences - and by beginning to notice and witness our thought and patterns we begin untaming the subconscious, rewiring energetic injuries, and explore how to expand into courage, joy, and freedom.
Join Danita on a rhythmic map of self-exploration, raw and unfiltered awareness.
Email to connect with Danita.